Harbour Energy, operator of the Humber-based Viking CCS CO2 transportation and storage network, announced that the Planning Inspectorate has accepted for examination its application to build the Viking CCS onshore CO2 transportation pipeline.
This is the next stage in the process to acquiring a Development Consent Order (DCO) for the pipeline, a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP), and follows a comprehensive program of consultation and engagement with stakeholders and local communities.
The 55 km onshore pipeline will transport captured CO2 from the Immingham industrial area to the former Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal site on the Lincolnshire coast. From Theddlethorpe, the CO2 will be transported 140 km to the depleted Viking gas fields, 2.7 km beneath the seabed, for secure permanent storage.
The Viking CCS onshore pipeline is a key component in the infrastructure needed to decarbonize and rejuvenate the industries of the Humber, which is expected to make a material contribution to the UK’s net zero emissions targets.
The project and its members represent a major job creation opportunity for the Humber region, potentially unlocking up to £7 billion of investment across the full CO2 capture, transport, and storage value chain over the next decade, and creating over 10,000 direct and indirect jobs during construction.